Friends In Freedom: Breadwinner Cycling Team

Ira Ryan is quick to say that what Breadwinner does “isn’t special.” He could be right. But I’ll tell you one thing… who they are sure as hell is.

Have a chat with them and you’ll see for yourself.

Breadwinner Cycles - long-time Portland based custom frame-building company and figure of the local cycling scene have been among our strongest partners since Astral Cycling was born. Our love of all things bikes, handcraftsmanship, Oregon, and – I’ll admit it – each other, created the basis of a relationship that grows each year.

The Breadwinner race team embodies the values, aesthetic and mores that Breadwinner Cycles and Astral Cycling share. Their slogan “Work hard. Ride home.” fits the work ethic and grit of their race team as well as our own warehouse in West Eugene – to which most our staff bike-commute daily.

Over lengthy bike rides, hasty emails and too-long phone calls, Ira and I bared our souls. We’ve been in this industry a long time – some might say too long. We’ve raced. We’re chased. We’ve walked the walk, geeked out on gear, found our rhythm and built careers in the world of bikes that lasted as the clear-coat faded. At this point, its damn near rusty. But we’re committed and there is work to be done.  That work isn’t just about bikes.  It’s about community, partnership, and collaboration. About keeping our eyes open to the broader world, doing our part to make the industry greener and a more inclusive place for everyone. It means riding for the love of it, whether that means all-out efforts or cruises with friends. It means balancing with our eyes up – looking down the trail for the unexpected, while enjoying the familiar.

This year’s team embodies these themes. With the new additions of Mateen and Tay, two up and comers with huge hearts and crazy skills, the crew offers a refreshing blend of styles, disciplines and backgrounds. They join the ranks of Ira, Josh Kelley, Alex Roman and Stephen Hartzel. Together they will continue to toe the line and tell their tales. They’ll race, ride, adventure, love and laugh. We’re proud to call the Breadwinner Cycling team as our friends and part of our community. We sponsor them with our wheels, but back them with our hearts and souls.

Images Courtesy of Drew Coleman - See what he's up to over on Instagram: @dcmediahaus